Pulling up from laying on her back...this is a brand new skill and still cannot be done without help
Climbing stairs...we taught her this for her own safety and she does really well at it
Assisted walking...two hands
Assisted Walking...one hand
Standing...no shoes
Pulling things out...refusing to put things IN
She doesn't yet put things into other things...she just enjoys taking them out!
Looking at a book and imitating (BRAND NEW skill and it's still a hit or miss on whether she will do it)
Using her legs and feet as arms and hands
What a rockstar. I love her crawl/scootch :) She looks like she's doing GREAT. I mean, delayed but well on her way.
Off balance but she doesn't lack fortitude. or support :) You guys are a great bunch of cheerleaders. This girl will fly because of you.
Look at how she's getting around! She's really quick. And pulling herself up well too. I love that she can climb up the stairs! You're doing such a great job with her.
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