*10lbs 14.5oz
*Eating solids
*Breastfeeding every 2-3 hours during the day, every 3-5 hours at night
*Sleeps from 9:30-2:30 then from 3:00-6:30 most nights
*Laughs almost constantly
*Talks a LOT
*Can sit unassisted
*Pulls her knees up under her while pushing up during tummy time
*Preferred positions are sitting or standing, but in almost constant contact with me or Jess
*Can pull up on our fingers to standing position
*Loves water
*Still fits in some newborn clothes but is now almost solely in 0-3 month clothes.
*wonderful and amazing
whatta girl that Delaney is! :)
aweeeeeeee perfect. =)
Sounds like she's well on her way to running the show soon :) ha ha
Looking forward to what you have to offer up
If you're worried about weight gain, what worked with one of my little ones was: mashed avocado. It's not the prettiest food, but it has some lovely essential fats and really helps the wee ones put on some weight that they need when they become mobile and can't pause for nursing as much.
www.drjaygordon.com has a FAQ for breastfeeding moms that provided me much help. I'm pregnant with #6, which I offer up to let you know we've seen one variation of each kind of kid issue (just kidding).
I did have a 12 lb. newborn that didn't gain her birthweight back for six weeks, and an adopted daughter who weighed 20something pounds at age 2 and couldn't be persuaded to do more than nibble.
I don't recommend newborns eat avocados, but nursing 1.5 hours apart while I drank mothersmilk tea did help the first one regain weight since formula just resulted in vomiting. The second one developed an avocado fetish, with a little encouragement. Combined with fruit, it went down pretty quickly, and then she discovered she liked cubes of naked avocado. After she learned to like cheese cubes that helped her weight too. But for my milk allergic, that wasn't an option.
I hope some of these may prove helpful to you.
Thanks KelliSue. We have give her avacado before but not regularly. We will try that!
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