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Sunday, September 20, 2009

And she's off

So Delaney has log rolled across the living room, she's lunged and sat and lunged and sat, she's used a baby stroller to walk across the living room, but we figured she'd NEVER officially crawl. She just seemed (and still does) more interested in standing, cruising, and walking. Well two days ago she surprised me by crawling to me in the living room. And then later that day she climbed off our bed (our bed is on the floor right now) and started crawling to come get me in the bathroom. Then Friday she crawled to me several times in the living room. Finally today she decided to actually use it to get her places. She crawled to toys, to me, to her adoring sisters, and to Ger.ber puffs! LOL! Today we got it on tape because her Papa Mike wanted to see her new skill. So now all the grandparents near and far can see AND all our online friends can see too. :) We even got her pulling up and then crawling. What's funny is crawling will be 8 months and my bet is she'll walk within her 9th month. Crazy baby! Go to this link to see the video!

1 comment:

K J and the kids said...

WAY TO GO little one !!!
There have been studies that suggest a child who doesn't crawl has other challenges later in life. I don't know if I believe this or not :) but at least you don't have ANYTHING to worry about now :)