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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

ER Visit

Let me begin this story in saying that I absolutely hate doctors (no offense to any that read this). I hate that they never seem to listen to what you're really saying or what you need. I mean seriously I know they went to school for a LONG time but I've also been in my own body for a long time and know it pretty well.

Well yesterday Jess and I were getting our eyebrows waxed for our wedding on Monday and I went up to her and decided it was time for me to take a trip to the ER. My stomach had cramped about 6 times Monday, enough for me to grab my stomach because it shocked me so much. Well yesterday my stomach was cramping about 3-6 times an hour. To me this seemed a little alarming. I was starting to feel really drained and super thirsty and quite frankly just very anxious about not knowing why my stomach was cramping so frequently. I walked into the ER pretty calm, thinking I'm just being hyper vigilant and overly cautious but nothing serious was going on. I was in the middle of registering when a nurse came and got me, left Jess and the girls in the waiting room, and rushed me to a room with all sorts of tools to check out my woman parts. I had one nurse firing questions at me, another nurse telling me to strip down and get a gown on, another nurse taking my vitals, and then finally a forth nurse came in to start an IV. This is not at all the reaction I was expecting. I got FREAKED out by all of that. Then about 30 seconds after sitting down in the bed the doctor came rushing in. The nurse trying to get an IV started blew two of my veins which are now giant bruises.

The doctor kept me there for nearly two hours. My blood pressure was high (No kidding I was stressed the hell out). It's never been even remotely high my entire life. They checked my blood sugar and that was fine. They were convinced I was not in labor or miscarrying. They found the fetal heart tones and it was 158 (however it took two different nurses to find this heart beat so that once again freaked me out quite a bit). My pulse was through the roof. Everything checked out except to say that I was dehydrated. I don't see how that was possible because I drinking water constantly during the day but I guess pregnancy takes a lot out of you and it all seemed to fit dehydration. Then the ER set an appointment with my doctor's office for an hour later.

In my doctor's office they checked my cervix and told me to drink more or they'd have to admit me. I'm thinking I don't have time to be admitted to the hospital. We are leaving Friday for California. They also did a sonogram to ease my worries and make sure nothing was going on in there with baby. Peanut looked wonderful. I've been put on pelvic rest because my placenta is sitting right on top of my cervix. We also found out the gender...

I'm doing okay today...still very thirsty and very tired....but I'll be fine.


MaMaMia said...

Glad you will be ok. I had a weird scare on Monday too, so I know how you feel. . .

Are you keeping the gender a secret???

Susan said...

Bless your heart. Now, calm down, relax and drink some water!