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Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Delaney is a pulling up fanatic. She prefers to be standing ALL the time. In her crib, on the couch, near a chair of any kind, in her exesaucer, in the backpack, on the floor, at the see where i'm going...ALL the time.

School is going well. I think we are finding our groove and accomplishing a ton. Charlotte is learning so much and seems so interested in Genetics and Biology as well as ASL. Julia is super interested in history, math, and ASL. Speaking of ASL Delaney can sign (when she wants to and not for an audience) more, eat, milk, and mom. She doesn't perform on cue which is kind of frustrating but so her personality. Charlotte is such a self motivated student. She gets her list of assignments and flies through them. Only stopping to ask questions or play with Buggy for a minute or two. Julia is a little less focused but is working well under her newly designed Julia Schedule.

We are gearing up for Dylan's wedding reception this weekend as well as my mom's visit. The entire family is very excited for these two events.

We are starting to temp and chart and talk and plan for baby number 2 (well baby #4 for Jess). We'll see what my cycles do and what the future brings.

Jess just had surgery to explore her endometriosis. It's in her muscles so surgery to clean everything up won't help. It has not moved to her bowel which made us breathe a sigh of relief. We will see what the doctor says as a plan of action at her 2 week post op appointment. (and Traci F. yes it was oozing and pooling! You have no idea!!!)


traceace said...

Oooooooozing and Pooooooling! It looked pretty bad from the pic. I hope Jess is on the mend quickly!

K J and the kids said...

I'm sorry she's dealing with that.
Endo sucks.

BABY #4 !!!??? Seriously ! How fun ! I can't wait.

Your girls are SO SUPER smart. Can you homeschool mine. I wouldn't even know where to start with genetics and biology. :)

Lora said...

I knew Jess wasn't feeling well but I didn't know why. I will be praying for her.