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Thursday, March 12, 2009

Through it all

Through it all I have learned we have some really great, loving, wonderful friends. We have people who are not only there to celebrate with us with the birth of our youngest daughter...because it's really fun and easy to be there for the birth of a baby....but we have friends who are there through the day to day drama of raising three girls...the mundane things like diaper talk and tv talk. We have some friends who are even there when we can't rid of the sickness that has gripped our family. Here is the breakdown of 2009 so far:
  • January 15 can't do fluid
  • January 16 c-section, birth of Delaney
  • January 18 released from hospital to come home with our baby
  • February 13th ER visit with Delaney
  • February 14th second ER visit with Delaney...admittance to the hospital
  • February 18th our friends beautiful daughter was born
  • February 19th transferred by ambulance to a bigger hospital with Delaney
  • February 21st released from the hospital
  • February 24th I got the virus that Delaney had
  • February 26th Jess' grandpa died
  • March 4th & 5th Grandpa's funeral and internment
  • March 5th I catch a cold
  • March 11th cold turns into bronchitis and is effecting my breathing
We've had a challenging year to say the least, but we are making it through...and in no short part due to the love and care our friends are showing us. Just to know that we can cry to them or laugh with them or vent to them is so amazingly helpful! We love you guys! And to those three ladies (Eryn, Dani, and Carla) that I talk on EVERY SINGLE DAY. I don't know what I'd do without you. I love swapping kid stories, advice, and just chatting. My life is better because you are in it.

And then I have to mention my loving wife. She has been so amazing through all of this. Keeping so calm and so steady. If it weren't for her I'd probably have gone completely crazy! I am so lucky to have married such a wonderful wife and mother! :)

1 comment:

Dani Magestro said...

Its been a crazy year for sure but Im really glad to have you and jess in our life.
