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Saturday, June 5, 2010

New Carseat

This is the old carseat

This is the new carseat

Thanks to generous donations we can finally afford to get Delaney a new carseat. She has hypotonia which means her muscles are weak. She also has a connective tissue disorder which makes her joints really lax. These two combined present a huge problem when dealing with seating (carseat, high chair, etc). When her Gramme bought her first one we were really unaware of her issues and just bought a pretty good very cute seat. Over time we've been advised that prolonged sitting in that slouch/leaning position can cause issues with her spine. We have heard great things about the Graco My Ride 65 from other parents with special needs kids so that's what we got. We will sell her old carseat at our benefit garage sale at the end of the month.

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