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Thursday, January 29, 2009

And the worry returns...

We took Peanut in to get her belly button checked out today. It had been bleeding the past couple of days and just wanted to make sure it was all hunky dorey. Well they weighed her and she hasn't gained a single ounce since her last appointment on the 22nd. They have now diagnosed her as "failure to thrive". The doctor asked us how much we were feeding her (70ml every 3hrs), how well she was feeding/her interest in food (she's a pig), and what we were feeding her (pumped breast milk AND breast milk straight from me). He asked how she slept (takes naps after most feedings and sleeps for 6 hrs between 10pm-4am) and he asked how her diapers were (wet and dirty after every single feeding plus some). He said that we were doing everything right. He said that her sleeping 6hrs at night was fine. He said the feeding every 3 hours was good. He said she was eating a lot for her size so we shouldn't change that. He was at a loss. Peanut is still a little yellow so he sent us to get her bilirubin checked again...we aren't expecting the level to be anything concerning. Right now I am just scared and frustrated. Jess is also worried but trying not to show just how worried she really is. We go back to see our ped on Monday so we will talk about her weight then and will probably end up talking about more tests and possible NICU visit. Keep us in your prayers and send heavy baby thoughts to us this weekend please!

Oh and her belly button bleeding was fine. He put some stuff on it to help it stop bleeding. We are going back to Pampers until it stops bleeding because they don't rub on it like the G pants do.

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