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Saturday, January 3, 2009


After all of the drama of last week surrounding my amniotic fluid level....I am tired and stressed.

I wanted a more upbeat update though so here goes.

Charlotte has suddenly begun to look like a true teenager. I love her sense of style and her attitude about her style. She is looking forward to Middle School, but she's also super excited about returning to school in a few days because she LOVES her 6th grade teacher. She is reading New Moon the second in the Twilight series...she loves using her new portable DVD player (I think she's watched 6-7 dvds in 3 days)...she has been so very helpful around the house while I've been a little less able to do things. She is extremely excited to be a big sister again and even more eager to hold her and babysit her. LOL

Julia is growing up soooo fast. She is often mixed about being a big sister for the first time. She loves the idea of having a little sister to hold and help feed and love...however she is very vocal about being upset that my lap is disappearing and that she doesn't want the baby around ALL the time. We'll have to see how it goes once Peanut arrives. I'm sure that she will fall in love with her baby sister and be proud of her new role as BIG sister...not just little sister. She loves first grade but has no true interest in the academic parts of the school day. She's a very social child. I think she's friends with almost every kid in her grade. I love how loving she is. I love how open and silly she is. Julia is just a great little kid.

Jessica is doing really well. Work is going well for her...she loves her babies...especially the really really sick ones. She loves those babies more than more other nurses. She makes her job personal...she worries about them when she's at home...she follows up with them...she gives them all of her heart. She has started a new program to get healthier. I am confident that she will succeed with flying colors.

Joey and Maxwell Gordon (our toy poodles) are currently very depressed. My mom just left and took her dog home with her. The boys miss their sister, Sugar, very much. It's actually quite pathetic to watch. Joey has been a little more cranky lately with all the baby prep so we are interested to see how he does once she's in our house and crying or taking attention away from him. Maxwell Gordon is living up to his name's sake (Uncle Gordon). He is super duper sweet. He just wants to show you he loves you all the time. He's figured out something is in my belly and almost seems to play with Peanut when she kicks and moves. He does however have a VERY onary streak and has started to run away when we let him out to go potty. He's now confined to a leash 90% of the time. We are hoping he grows out of this stage. :)

Well that's my family. We are all doing well. Other than my fluid being too low I am doing well. I enjoy feeling our baby wiggle around in there. I have packed our mommy bag and our baby bag today. I wrapped the Delaney Day gifts for the big girls (we are giving them something the day Delaney is born so they feel super special too). I have put the batteries in the baby papasan and the baby monitor. I still haven't found batteries to see if the swing works. My appetite is low and weird but I'm still getting my calories somehow. I feel extremely blessed to have the people in my life that I do. I feel so loved and so cared for. No matter if these people are only around once a year or every single day...I feel blessed by their presence.


Lisa Gallup said...

What a lovely, lovely post, Kathy! In the midst of stress is when we most need to stop and breathe and count our blessings. Loved hearing all about the family! Give them all my love! :)

Anonymous said...

I am so happy that your pregnant in the first place. I know your stressed about the low fluid and all but these are your last days of pregnancy just try and relax your angel is almost here! I pray you, baby and family are okay.