This is her x-ray from yesterday showing how much her stomach is distended. You can see how swollen the left side of this picture is...the right side of her stomach. You should be able to see her intestines looping around but the air in her belly distorting it all. This was the reason for the tube down her nose yesterday. Her belly is looking better today but is starting to SLIGHTLY swell up again....
Charlotte and Julia came by to see Delaney today with Jess' parents. They brought her a little bear called Kisses. Charlotte was visibly upset by seeing her tiny little sister in a hospital bed, but that may have been caused by not sleeping two nights in a row (two sleep overs) as much as actual fear/concern. Julia was her usual hyper self. She blew D kisses from afar. We did not allow either sister to come within about 3 feet on her hospital crib just to protect D from any germs they may be carrying. We learned later that they played all day with cousins that were sick. Good thing we kept them away from D.
I am now sitting in Room 48...just me and Peanut. Jess had to leave early to take the big girls home to get them showered and put in bed...otherwise we'd be facing a HUGE meltdown from both.
Our Nurse T is back tonight...she's the one who greated us last night. She is so SUPER nice and helpful and lovely. She is sweet to us and our little lady unlike Nurse N who was wretched today. I did catch a 45 minute nap today that seems to have made me feel rested for the moment. In the 24 hours we've been here I have pumped 47oz of milk. That is making me sooo terribly thirsty and hungry. Nurse T went downstairs and got me an orange slush to make me feel better. :) It has now taken me nearly 40 minutes to write this update but I've had to get up and check on little squeeks from Peanut, find her binkie that she spit out, and talk to Nurse T about treatment protocol.
Let's pray there are no updates throughout the night except that Peanut is feeling better and taking all her feeds perfectly!
P.S. D, T, & M we are very happy for our computers working up here too! We'd feel so disconnected if we didn't have them. Can't wait to talk to you girls soon!!!
What about the Spongebob I brought? Did Buggy like him at all or was it all about Kisses :)
Of course she liked Spongebob too...he's sitting next to Kisses...he is a he right?! LOL
hey.. I'm so sorry that you guys are having to go through all this mess but I sure am glad that you have computers too so i can know what's going on.. I'm glad to hear that she is making improvements.. but I hope you can get some rest at some point tonight.. I'll be praying!
I'm thinking of you guys, and hope little Delaney gets better really soon.
As you suggested, I have been hugging my healthy little McBean a bit tighter - I'm so grateful for his continued good health.
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